Sunday, May 22, 2016

Feminism and Gender Equality Misuse

    When the idea hit me to write about "growing feminism" and misuse of  "women's right". i was left staring at screen for minutes because i didn't know how to explain "Feminism" in words,  what i did was a clever piece of intelligence, i googled it. and a simple meaning that unfolded feminism into alphabets (at least i tried) was the advocacy of  women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. 

    Allow me, what feminism means is, it's a movement towards equal treatment in jobs, equal pay, equal social / political status, equal right to vote, equal right to own property and many more things that have prefix "equal" to them or preventing things that are exploiting women gender , nothing that is harmful to society, in fact, its good thing we don't know it could be a women who finds a cure for cancer or AIDS, for betterment of  society equal opportunities should be given..

   There is a common saying "Extremes Are Dangerous". Misuse of  agitation in society to provide justice and equality have taken a wrong turn, all that effort to correct social structure / hierarchy  done in the past has led few women to think that its Ok to be given better treatment than average man and if not given they demand it. feminists have made Marketable package of suffering of women of past era / undeveloped territories and trying to exploit the society and law made for betterment of women gender as a whole and reasoning with "women have suffered for years, it’s alright to take advantage of our rights now". 

   1. Misuse of law-  Need for law to safeguard a women's interest  was one of main points of agitation . whats been happening is women are knowingly misusing it, Example-Filing FALSE rape cases for take revenge for not marrying or for financial benefits ., Example- Filing for divorce to take 50% of man's hard earn wealth.

   2. Using Feminism When It Suits Them -  You can find these two faced feminists in majority in INDIA. Example-  Equality should prevail, but a MAN should "ALWAYS" ask a girl out, pay for the date, pink is not manly enough. Example- Independent, but have been living off  fathers money and after marriage man should  "man up" and provide for her, buy her a diamond ring, designer stuff and jewels. etc etc.

   3. Your Money is Our money And my Money Is mine - Gotta admit that, this happens, what to speak of others when even my mom supports this. why?? why a man's money is household money and you earn to spend on kitty parties and make up boxes and expensive cloths.

  4. I want EQUALITY,   oy oy, Stand Up Its a Women's Seat-  if you can fight the world for your right and equal treatment, you sure can stand in a bus or metro. ( ever seen a women entering into bus/train and a guy stands up either out of chivalry or social acceptance of women's reserved seat.) seriously. Seat should be Reserved for NEEDY not women. well how about a women's reserved full metro coach equality. NOPE. welcome to INDIA.
  5. Crying, a Tool-  need explanation?  Whenever a female cries  its always "someone else's " fault or She's forgiven. damn you equality. (work in progress)